Golf Outing Sponsorships
Time for sponsorships has expired!
We look forward to seeing everyone at the ACA Golf Outing!
Golf Cart Title Sponsor
Allowed to hang logo signs on each cart sent out for the event
Four golf tournament registration fees paid
Receive recognition at the dinner awards ceremony
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
19th Hole Drink Sponsor
One vendor table in the bar during cocktail hour
Two golf tournament registration fees paid
Special sign printed for the bar during cocktail hour
Receive recognition at the dinner awards ceremony
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
Beverage Cart Sponsor
One vendor table in the bar during cocktail hour
Company name on the beverage cart
Two golf tournament registration fees paid
Receive recognition at the dinner awards ceremony
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
Lunch Sponsor
One vendor table in the bar during cocktail hour
One golf tournament registration fee paid
Receive recognition at the dinner awards ceremony
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
Mulligan Sponsor
Several Available
Table at registration
One golf tournament registration fee paid
Special logo sign printed
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
Putting Contest Sponsor
Several Available
Table at registration
One golf tournament registration fee paid
Special logo sign printed
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
Hole-In-One Sponsor
Sole hole sponsor one of four hole-in-one contests on a par three with company displayed at the tee box by itself
Company representative at the tee box permitted
One golf tournament registration fee paid
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
Hole Sponsor
Several Available
Sole hole sponsor with company name and/or logo displayed at the tee box
Company representative at the tee box permitted
One golf tournament registration fee paid
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
Dinner Sponsor
One vendor table in the dining room and/or bar during cocktail hour Two golf tournament registration fees paid
Special logo sign printed for the dining room
Company name displayed at centerpiece of each table
Receive recognition at the dinner awards ceremony
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
Gift Bag Sponsor
One vendor table in the bar during cocktail hour
Two golf tournament registration fees paid
Receive recognition at the dinner awards ceremony
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
Door Prize Sponsor
$50 No Limit
Donate a prize valued at $50.00 or more, and your Company will be mentioned at the time the door-prize is awarded
Recognition on the ACA Website, Social Media, and our newsletter A Claimscene
Corporate Foursome
4 Golfers
Sign on hole
For additional information or for assistance please contact Golf Outing Committee Chair Kowalski Brown at: Kowalski.Brown@esis.com
Or you may also contact Golf Outing Sponsorship Coordinator Jennifer Herring at: JHerring@myphysio.com